Tutorial 8
Create a Chart
Sun, 02/14/2010 – 23:26 — NuVu Support Team
This tutorial assumes you have the knowledge gained from working with the previous tutorials. After this tutorial you will have the knowledge to create a chart based on the data contained with the query.
Perform the following steps:
- If the Query Designer Tool is already running, please close it down. Invoke the NuVu Query Designer from the NuVu Query program group from the windows Start menu. The main NuVu Query Designer window will be displayed, and a welcome dialog window will also be displayed that shows recently saved/opened queries. We are going to create a open a new query from the previous query (tutorial7), so double-click on the ‘tutorial7′ item that should be displayed inside the Welcome dialog window (if you have successfully performed the previous tutorial and saved it as specified in that tutorial with a name of ‘tutorial8′). The original query will open inside the Designer. We need to now save this as ‘tutorial8′ before we start working with the query, so click on the File->Save As menu item and advise a new Query name of tutorial7 when the save properties are displayed. Click the
button to save the query with the new advised name.
- Click the
(Chart the main grid results) button on the toolbar to invoke the chart editor.
- Click the
(Chart Properties) button on the toolbar to invoke the chart properties dialog window.
- On the first tab of the Chart Properties dialog window, select the details as show below:
- Click the
button to save all changes to the chart properties and close that window.
- Click the
to run the query and display the results.
- Click the
(Chart the main grid results) button on the toolbar to invoke the chart, which should look similar to the following:
- Note the chart should show the County names across the bottom of the chart, and the vertical bars mapped to the balances of all customers in each Country. Experiment by clicking on any bar of the chart – and notice the grid is automatically repositioned to the appropriate Country total
- Finally we will save the changes made to this query (as this will form the base query for the next tutorial), so simply click the
button and close down the query tool.
We are complete with the tutorial. An exported query containing this tutorial is available by right-clicking here and choosing Save Link As (Firefox) or Save Target As (Internet Explorer) to save the query import format file to a file on your hard disk, and then importing that query into the query tool (hint: choose File->Import Query from the main menu of the Query Designer).
End of Tutorial